(That sounds dickish. I'm actually being sincere. Stupid postmodern irony complex making it hard to communicate sincerely.)
So when Allison said she was sad about the situation in our first blog post, we felt the need to clarify.
We were sad that we didn't have the opportunity to follow up with this particular young lady, but we were probably more happy that we got to meet her than anything else.
First off, when someone is attracted to you, that sh!t is awesome, right? My ego needs feeding, and so does yours.
Second, the longer I (abandons first-person plural gimmick) remain single, the more often I meet a really amazing, beautiful, drive-you-nuts alluring woman who likes me, but neither of us is in a position to pursue a relationship.
Maybe she's got one of those unfortunate "significant other" things I hear so much about.
Maybe she's still trying to get over that last unfortunate "significant other" thing I hear so much about.
Maybe I meet her in a 2.5 hour line for a cab a 2am 500 miles from NC with our grumpy friends being grumpy.
The point is, it's all good. See, the longer I stay single, the more I have gotten an appreciation from what I really need from people. I need connection. I need to feel as if I am meeting people that challenge, inspire, and touch me in one way or another. It turns out that if one is willing to roll with the limitations life puts on him, he can have fantastic, life-nurturing intimacy with more people that he could have ever dreamed.
My only worry is that this approach leads to half loving these women.
And Johnny Taylor never lied.
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