Note: I cheated a little and wrote this last night, while drinking scotch to numb the damage my idiot dentist wrought. Warning given.
I believe Lovecraft.
Who I haven't even read yet.
But mean to.
(Once I found out that one-sentence paragraphs annoyed Takao, I dedicated my life to them.)
Anyway, I believe H.P. Lovecraft. The universe is big and huge and scary and doesn't care about us even a little. We are scared and alone and can't possibly comprehend the forces that are not aligned against us, but are completely indifferent towards us.
And yet.
And yet.
I believe Morrison.
As a species, we are destined to evolve and transcend. We are all united, and united we will breach the walls of the possible, and it will be glorious beyond any words, and it is already happening.
You are a light.
Don't waste it.
I believe in Lovecraft
If.... IF Lovecraft is right...
Then a raging octopoid elder god will rip your head off for writing tiny little paragraphs