Sunday, January 22, 2012

Three Questionable Points: Obama and Race

1) There's a lot going on with the Right Wing's hatred of Obama besides race.  He has a funnyscary name.  He reps Hawaii and Harvard.  He is only the second president I can remember to not try to cultivate that aw shucks, good ol' boy bs.  He is The Other in so many ways that terrify a lot of people who never, ever thought they'd see a black President.

On top of that, he's pursued policies that go against the fundamental commitment of the Right Wing to limited government.  Liberal Check Yo Self Moment #1: Some people believe differently from us.  Obama has done some things they find deeply wrong and terrifying.

2) That said, cmon, son.

Have fun!  Google image search for "race card."  You'll kill yourself with joy!!


3) Liberal Check Yo Self Moment #2: Barack Obama campaigned as a moderate.  He has governed as a moderate.  Yet we liberals loved him as an agent of meaningful change in 2008.  In 2012, we are just getting over our anger that Obama...governed exactly as he said he would.

I wonder why we could have POSSIBLY thought the first black president was more liberal than he is.

Seriously.  People are terrible and you should know!

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