Yet nothing has been more nonsensical than Grantland's Souperbowl, which invalidated its existence the moment it chose French Onion Soup over Pho.
Fellow white people, I am ashamed of you. We're not going to discuss this. Pho is the King of Soups.
In protest of this travesty, for lunch today I went to Lime and Basil, which does a damn fine job delivering Vietnam's finest output in the middle of Chapel Hill. I ordered vegetarian Pho with chicken broth, which I'm pretty sure you Pho purists will say is a complete sellout because, dag, don't be vegetarian with something so awesome.
Whatever. It was bliss. I nailed the chili sauce to broth ratio. The tofu and noodles were perfect. I woofed down every solid in that broth, then sat there drinking the broth even though my eyes were in tears from the heat.
Because that's how good Pho is.
You need to head up to BK and get the French Onion soup at Waterfront Grill on Atlantic and Clinton. And then you'll get it.