However, at the core of this particular bit of Santorum nonsense is a real debate that the United States should be having. For my dissertation I interviewed a nationally known superintendent and scholar who lamented the same trend. He served a rural school district that saw its mission not just to get students ready for college but also to make sure that students stayed healthy during high school and could get jobs after. In other words, he recognized a real educational dilemma that Santorum's rhetoric only points to and exploits.
At most, only about 60 percent of kids finish college, and the numbers are well below 50 percent for black and Latino students. We need to do better for these kids, and part of that effort should be increased opportunities to go to school and increased support for students for whom college may be more difficult than the average. But especially with the price of college going up, I'm not sure that our society can afford to get everyone to college. Even if we can, we need to ensure that those students who choose not to go to college have acceptable life opportunities.
At most, only about 60 percent of kids finish college, and the numbers are well below 50 percent for black and Latino students. We need to do better for these kids, and part of that effort should be increased opportunities to go to school and increased support for students for whom college may be more difficult than the average. But especially with the price of college going up, I'm not sure that our society can afford to get everyone to college. Even if we can, we need to ensure that those students who choose not to go to college have acceptable life opportunities.
So, the problem here is that Rick Santorum (unsurprisingly) took the actual Obama quote and twisted it's meaning. What Obama was talking about in his speech to the Governor's wasn't "college", what he spoke about was further training and education. He specifically referenced the training necessary to do more complex manufacturing jobs. I agree that we need to be aware of non-college education opportunities, but that's exactly what the President was talking about.
Nice point, but Obama's policy proposals do not indicate that he finds non-college opportunities important. All of his K-12 education proposals (Race to the Top and the NCLB waivers) push college readiness as almost the only worthwhile goal that schools can pursue.