Saturday, February 4, 2012

Humility and Respect

I have resisted the urge to make any TWEDP entry a link dump, because I don't think such entries would be true to the spirit of the project.  Today, I am going to make an exception.  I can be prideful, so any act where I can be humble and acknowledge that the amazing efforts of someone else exceed what I could do serves life and praises God.

A particularly ugly yoga scandal came to a head yesterday.  The accusations are awful, and people are already picking sides.  I had planned to write my thoughts on it, but I am still not quite sure what to say and especially how to say what I know to be true.  Just now, I read a piece by Ben Ralston of the Prem Center that expresses everything I would want to express for myself better than I could have done.

It's also about far more than the latest boring yoga scandal.  It's something everyone should read, particularly those of us who are facing a period of transition.  If you were willing to read my long blog post, I hope you'll read his piece instead.

Namaste, Ben.  You nailed the situation and, in the process, wrote about something much more important.   I am going to spend the time I would have spent writing meditating on integrity and compromise.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Bryan, that's truly gracious of you.
    With love,
