Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Michael Bay is Not the Problem. You Are.

You know why Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were popular when we were kids?  Because megacorps figured out they were the most efficient way to get us to get our parents to purchases cheap plastic stuff, so megacorps bought up a lot of TV space after school on UHF stations to run 30 minute commercials for said plastic stuff.

Put a different way, have you gone back and WATCHED any of the cartoons you used to like as a kid?  I have.  They're terrible.  The plots, voice acting, production, and animation are all third rate, even given the technology available at the time.  They introduce new characters every episode, and most of them only show up in one or two subsequent episodes.  Their inclusion makes no sense from a narrative standpoint.  But from a product placement standpoint, it makes complete sense.

Or have you forgotten Sharkticons?

So please, please, please stop complaining that Michael Bay ruined Transformers and is going to ruin Ninja Turtles.  Whatever you and I imagine those two shows to be, they're not.  They were always naked cash grabs, so changing them to grab more cash makes complete sense.

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